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Annual General Meeting

Dear Colleague

I write to invite you to the North West Gymnastics Association Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 15th November 2017, at Robin Park, Wigan commencing at 8.00pm.

Please find attached a nomination form and offices for election with current post holders; completed nomination forms, completed CV’s and motions should be returned to me by the closing date, 18th October 2017.

It is requested that at least one representative from each affiliated club attend the meeting, only full BG members are entitled to vote and membership cards will be required as proof of membership.

I look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

PLEASE NOTE: Clubs not affiliated by October 31st 2017 will not be entitled to a club vote at the AGM.


Sue Langley
General Secretary
North West Gymnastics Association


Technical Commitee 2016 - 2017
Technical Commitee 2016 - 2017
NWGA Nomination Form 2017
NWGA Motion Form 2017
NWGA CV 2017