Gymnova Sprung Floor for Sale
The NW is delighted to announce that we have purchased a new Gymnova Montreal floor that will be available for use from the end of Sept 2018.
This releases the current Gymnova sprung floor for sale to any NW Affiliated Club. The floor was new in 2013 and has been used for approx. 15 competitions each year, all at Wigan. We have consulted with Gymnova and other regions as to the value of the floor and have decided that £5,000 is a fair price.
For those clubs that are not familiar with the floor, the WTC have a competition on the weekend of 8th/9th Sept. so you can view the floor on that weekend.
We also have a spare identical red and white carpet to go with the floor. If the buyer does not want the spare carpet, then we are open to offers.
The floor will be available week commencing 24th Sept. The buyer needs to collect.
Please send your offers to Mike Healy (NW WTC Chair) after 12:00 Noon Saturday 18th August as we will be working on a first come basis. If you have any questions, then please send them by email.
Mike Healy mike@stockportgymnastics.com